A Gallery of the Universe
The Mars Curiosity Rover, launched by NASA in 2011, is a robotic exploration vehicle sent to Mars as part of the Mars Science Laboratory mission. Equipped with advanced scientific instruments, the rover has been exploring the planet's surface since its landing in August 2012. Its primary mission is to search for evidence of past or present microbial life on Mars, and it has already made several groundbreaking discoveries, including evidence of ancient water on the planet's surface.
The Curiosity Rover is a testament to human ingenuity and our desire to explore the unknown. With its advanced technology and impressive capabilities, it has captured the imaginations of scientists, engineers, and space enthusiasts around the world. Its ongoing mission is part of a larger effort by NASA to explore Mars and to better understand the planet's geology, climate, and potential for supporting human life in the future.
Cosmic Canvas: A Gallery of the Universe is a project that aims to showcase the beauty and wonder of the cosmos through interactive and immersive visualizations. The project was inspired by my childhood passion for astronomy and space exploration, and my desire to share it with others.
The project uses two APIs from NASA: the Astronomy Picture of the Day API, which provides stunning images of celestial objects and phenomena, and the Mars Rover Images API, which allows users to explore the surface of the Red Planet through the eyes of the rovers. The project is the final project for my Human-Computer Interaction subject, where I learned how to design and evaluate user interfaces that are engaging, usable and accessible.